Horned Frog Blog

Facebook Live Q&A Explores TCU's Comprehensive Approach to Global Citizenship
Dean Einstein hosted a Facebook Live Q&A, answering your questions about how TCU prepares students for global citizenship through on-campus and study abroad opportunities. Watch the video and read below to find the answers to your questions.

Facebook Live Q&A Gives Insight Into TCU's Academic Experience
Dean Einstein hosted a Facebook Live Q&A, answering your questions about TCU's excellent academic experience. Guests and Associate Provosts, Francyne Huckaby, Ph.D., Reginald Wilburn, Ph.D. and Floyd Wormley, Ph.D. joined Dean Einstein to give prospective families a sense of the rigorous and experiential academic journey that TCU students can expect. Watch the video and read below to find the answers to your questions!

Facebook Live Q&A Gives Expert Advice on TCU Financial Aid
Dean Einstein and Kiki Davy, financial aid advisor with TCU's Office of Scholarships and Student Financial Aid, hosted a Facebook Live Q&A answering your questions. They gave advice on financial aid updates for this year and steps prospective families can take to maximize their college investment. Watch the video and read below to find the answers to your questions!

College of Science and Engineering Q&A
Dean Einstein and Matt Chumchal, Ph.D., Professor and Director of the Pre-Health Professions Institute answered questions about TCU's College of Science & Engineering in a Facebook Live Q&A. They chatted about how TCU prepares undergraduates with early research opportunities, experiential learning and support for applying to medical schools. In fact, 88 percent of TCU students are accepted to health profession schools (twice the national average).