Michael Leshner
m.leshner2@tcu.edu817-257-40123301 Bellaire Drive North
Fort Worth, Texas 76109 TCU Box 297013
Fort Worth, TX 76129
Hometown: Grand Prairie, TX
Alma Mater: University of Texas at Arlington (Undergraduate) and TCU (Graduate)
Year I Joined TCU Admission: 2019
Areas I Recruit: Transfer students from the Fort Worth area, North, East, and West Texas, along with First-Year students from Covenant Classical School in Fort Worth, Texas.
Why I Think TCU Is a Great School: The people at TCU make it a great place to learn, study, live, work and play. Having experienced TCU as an employee and student, I have enjoyed and benefited from the commitment and care provided by many of our faculty and staff members from several areas across campus. People here truly care about helping students become the best version of themselves. When someone becomes part of the TCU community, they are a member of the Horned Frog Family! I hope when people visit Texas Christian University, they experience the warmth, level of care, and commitment I have come to expect, know, and love.
Hobbies and Interests: Hanging out with my beautiful wife Amanda and awesome son Noah doing life! We love our summer vacations in Colorado and other various sun-dried destinations. We also enjoy playing all kinds of games, biking, taking walks, and watching sports, especially our Horned Frogs, and we try to get to as many games as possible!
Favorite Class in College: It is hard to select one, but The Abortion Debate, the Bible in Historical Context and Understanding Israeli/Palestinian Conflict really challenged me and helped me become an overall more informed individual. From here I am more apt to think more critically about subjects I have passing knowledge about and research more extensively before drawing conclusions so as to be a more responsible citizen.
If You Visited My Office You'd See: Spiritual, faith-based references that glorify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, pictures of my family and lots of TCU Horned Frog stuff!
My Advice to You: 1) Choose faith over fear 2) Pursue interests you are passionate about and make it a daily goal to be better than you were the day before in an ongoing effort to become the best version of yourself. 3) Make wise choices in the people you surround yourself with. Hang out with people who will challenge you, look out for you, and help you become the person you wish to become. 4) Don’t be afraid to take good risks 5) Invest in yourself, but borrow wisely and make sound financial choices; your older self will be grateful.
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