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TCU's Deaf Education program prepares graduates to teach deaf and hard-of-hearing students from elementary to high school through clinical experience at the Miller Speech & Hearing Clinic on campus and in area schools. We interviewed junior Deaf Education majors Emma Seetoo and Anne White, who both chose to pursue a degree structured around learning American Sign Language (ASL) because they want to help their communities learn and grow. Emma is minoring in Child Development and is a student-athlete competing in Women's Outdoor Track. Anne is also minoring in Child Development and competes with Women's Rifle.

Watch the video below to learn about the rewarding, supportive Deaf Education program at TCU from our Q&A with Emma and Anne.



Student Supports
TCU is passionate about supporting Deaf Education majors in a variety of ways because these students are hard at work caring for others. The program is structured to set students up for success, starting with their class materials. The program will pay up to $500 a year toward textbooks for each Deaf Education student - a unique scholarship that is stackable with other forms of aid - because its faculty believes students should be focused on learning what's actually in the textbook, not worrying about how much it costs.

This sentiment is carried throughout the program. All students attend an annual conference where they network with future employers from across the nation. The trip is fully funded by TCU. Deaf Education majors have the opportunity to learn from professionals at no cost to them so they can focus on serving the communities they care about. 

              TCU teaching deaf child                    TCU Student Teaching ASL to child

Your Sign to Study Abroad
Deaf Education majors have the opportunity to spend a semester learning in a different part of the world and earning class credit. Plus, faculty in this program see the value in learning from other cultures, so they cover the international studies fee for their students.

Deaf Education at TCU is a comprehensive program built to aid its majors in all aspects. From applicable class experience and close faculty-student relationships to learning opportunities funded by the university, the signs are clear! Apply to major in Deaf Education at TCU and see what you can achieve with unwavering support.


TCU Students in Basic ASL Class showing Horned Frogs Hand Gesture


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Colleen Wyrick is a junior double major in English and Communication Studies from Austin, TX. She is currently the President of Her Campus at TCU, Assistant Digital Editor for the digital anthology Teaching Transatlanticism, and a social media intern and ambassador for the Office of Admission. Additionally, she’s loved getting involved on campus through the women’s club soccer team.