Kennedy Bigham
kennedy.bigham@tcu.edu817-257-17893301 Bellaire Drive North
Fort Worth, TX 76109 TCU Box 297013
Fort Worth, TX 76129
Hometown: Salem, Oregon
Alma Mater: TCU (Go Frogs!)
Year I Joined TCU Admission: 2024
Areas I Recruit: As a part of the International Team, I work with students seeking to study outside of their home country! I primarily recruit in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Having spent two months living in Southeast Asia, and having studied culture and religion from all over the world, I'm super excited about connecting with students from these regions.
I Think TCU Is a Great University Because: There is truly a place on campus for every student to pursue their academic interests no matter what those are. I chose to study a very niche major in religion, and I absolutely loved the tight-knit community that I found within this major at TCU. There were so many research, leadership, work, field trips, and study abroad opportunities within my department. I still consider staff and faculty from my major to be close friends and mentors. The friendships I formed with many of my classmates are lifelong, and it's all because TCU fostered this culture of community and connection.
Hobbies and Interests: It's hard for me to sit still, so I'm often on the move. When the weather is nice, I love taking my camera on nature walks and snapping pictures of the scenery. If I'm not outdoors, I'm often in my kitchen, baking something sweet to share with friends, neighbors, or coworkers. I love live music (especially at smaller venues), sitting at my favorite tea shop with friends, road trips to new places, and writing. I find inspiration in everything, so I'm often scribbling down poetry on sticky notes and other random scraps of paper I find nearby.
Favorite Class in College: I loved so many classes in college, but one that rises to the top of my mind was an Honors Colloquia course titled: Callings. This class profoundly impacted my understanding of my purpose in this world. It shaped my vision for how I would prioritize my time, skill set, and passions to make an impact.
If You Visited Me in My Office You'd See: You'd probably notice my snacks and tea collection (which I'd immediately be offering to share), my office plants, little reminders of loved ones, and Bible verses that guide my life. You'd see my globe, my Oregon license plate, and my TCU posters, which all remind me of places near and dear to my heart.
My Advice to You: College is a unique opportunity to dedicate time to your academic, personal, and professional pursuits in ways that aren't possible at other stages in life. Make the most of it — try new hobbies, take photos, journal your experiences, and document your growth. This is your time to chase bold dreams, advocate for yourself, and gain practical experience. People love to see young individuals learn, grow, and succeed. Find a mentor you can trust, pursue your passions, and always believe in yourself. Cultivate a relentless determination to achieve your goals, but also allow space for your desires and ambitions to evolve as you grow.
Above all, remember that what matters most is not what you achieve but how you treat
others. Accomplishments come and go, but character lasts forever. My proudest achievement is not what I've done, but how I show up in the world. When
you release the pressure of constant achievement, you can fully focus on self-development.
Trust me, when you know who you are and what you stand for, the motivation to accomplish
anything you set your mind to will naturally follow.