Mandy Castro
admissiondean@tcu.edu817-257-47093301 Bellaire Drive North
Fort Worth, Texas 76109 TCU Box 297013
Fort Worth, TX 76129
Hometown: Tulsa, OK
Alma Mater: University of Oklahoma
Year I Joined the Office of Admission: 2017
Area I Recruit: Oklahoma, All Saints Episcopal School, Fort Worth Country Day School, Trinity Valley School, Southwest Christian School
I Think TCU Is a Great University Because: When I think about what makes a great University, academic excellence, one-to-one support, top tier sports, and a great social scene come to my mind. TCU embodies all of these and more. At TCU we expect you to rise to the academic challenges, but we will lend you the helping hand you need to get through. We create this environment for you, the student, and build it around our community of thoughtful, fun and spirited students, faculty and staff.
Favorite Class in College: Don’t judge. I loved equally my statistics courses, Spanish language (NOT LITERATURE!) courses and my organizational development or industrial/organizational psychology courses. I use all of these daily and hope you find courses in your major to fit your future as well.
Hobbies and Interests: My family and I love the outdoors and take any and every opportunity to surround ourselves with the mountains. We love to spend time together and enjoy the little things in life.
If You Visited My Office You’d See: I don’t like to work alone, so you will find a space in which I hope you could sit down and commune with me.
My Advice to You: Look in the mirror each day and decide who you want staring back at you. What does this person look like? What will this person contribute to the world? As you acknowledge the things that are most central to you, craft your college essay around them. Tour various colleges/universities looking for ways in which these intuitions of higher learning can help you achieve your goals. Leave no stone unturned in this process. And when you finally decide on your dream school, commit to the pursuit of the best, future you.
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