Julia Sheley
j.r.sheley@tcu.edu817-257-64933301 Bellaire Drive North
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Alma Mater: TCU ‘21
Year I Joined the Office of Admission: 2021 as an Intern, 2022 as Pro staff
Areas I Recruit: Louisiana, San Diego, portions of Austin and West TX + Panhandle.
I also work with: ROTC
I Think TCU Is a Great University Because: At TCU, everyone cares so deeply for the student's well-being inside the classroom
and out. I love the big school feel while classrooms are small and encourage interpersonal
relationships with professors.
Favorite Class in College: Sociology of Harry Potter
Hobbies and Interests: I have a Chocolate Lab that I love walking on the Trinity Trails. I have recently become an avid fan of the show Jeopardy and I love watching the Atlanta Braves play!
If You Visited My Office You’d See: A lot of pink and a picture of my dog, Georgia!
My Advice to You: Everything happens for a reason! I transferred to TCU, and it was the best thing to ever happen to me! Everything during your college process truly does have a reason for happening when it does, so trust the process.