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How to Read Your Evaluation

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When evaluating your coursework from other colleges, the TCU Office of Admission is responsible for two aspects of the evaluation; we decide if a class is transferable and if it fulfills a core requirement.

Then, the department decides how your classes will fit into a TCU degree plan. So, only one half of the process is complete on this evaluation.

On the left side of your evaluation, you will see all colleges that you have attended and the transferable coursework that you have taken. If the course is not there, then it is possible that it did not transfer. Non-transferable courses include remedial/developmental, vocational, and technical courses. All college level basics usually transfer to TCU. On the right side of the evaluation, you will see the TCU Equivalent Courses.  These are typically the courses that fulfill the core at TCU. Under Core you will see the designation from the TCU Core Curriculum.

How to Read the Diagram

 Global Awareness, Cultural Awareness, Citizenship and Social Values and the two Writing Emphasis classes must be taken at TCU. Therefore, there are some commonly transferred courses that would fulfill these requirements at TCU, but cannot transfer as equivalent. In this case, we create generic numbers, so that the course fulfills the part of the core that does transfer to TCU. 

Example: Intro to Sociology SOCI 20213 counts as both a Social Science (SSC) and a Cultural Awareness (CA) requirement at TCU.  Because Cultural Awareness does not transfer, we give you a generic number, SOCI 10500, that allows the class to transfer and fulfill the SSC requirement, but not the CA requirement.

Some classes transfer and fulfill two core requirements with one class. We call this “double dipping.” An example of this would look like this:

HIST 10613     US History to 1877     SSC     HT

If there is no equivalency next to a course, then it did not fulfill the core, but it does transfer to TCU. It will either be articulated by the department as a requirement for the major or as an elective.

The final column in grey shows the hours (credits/units) that transferred for each class. If you attended a college with semester hours, then the courses will transfer with equal hours.  However, if you attended a college with quarter hours, then we convert quarter hours to semester hours.

At the very bottom of the evaluation is your cumulative GPA and hours from all colleges that you have attended. If this number does not correspond to your college transcript, it may be for several reasons.

  • Some courses did not transfer to TCU.
  • You took a course more than once and we averaged all attempts.
  • You previously made a D, F, or I (Incomplete) which do not transfer as awarded credit.
  • You took a PE activity and we only award credit for the class. We also only accept up to eight hours of PE credit.
  • We do not include plus or minus grades when calculating the transfer GPA. 

Please bring your transcript evaluation with you when you meet with your advisor as some advisors may not be able to access your information.