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TCU Students in Class - Academic Experience

Facebook Live Q&A Gives Insight Into TCU's Academic Experience

Dean Einstein hosted a Facebook Live Q&A, answering your questions about TCU's excellent academic experience. Guests and Associate Provosts, Francyne Huckaby, Ph.D., Reginald Wilburn, Ph.D. and Floyd Wormley, Ph.D. joined Dean Einstein to give prospective families a sense of the rigorous and experiential academic journey that TCU students can expect. Watch the video and read below to find the answers to your questions!

Dr Akkaraju with students on the steps inside the library
Faculty Feature

What the Teacher-Scholar Model Means for Students

Posted on Nov. 21, 2019, by Dr. Giridhar Akkaraju, Department of Biology

Dr. Giridhar Akkaraju writes about the Teacher-Scholar Model, which holds that undergraduate teaching and building relationships with students is just as important as conducting research. This is an integral part of what makes TCU a unique institution and we’re thankful Dr. Akkaraju spent the time to provide his perspective!

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