Deposit day is approaching and trust me, I remember the anxiety you're feeling right
about now. It's college decision crunch time, and whether you've been dreaming about
going to TCU your whole life or only applied because your parents made you (guilty
as charged), placing your deposit to enroll can feel both exciting and daunting. Maybe
you're not sure yet. Maybe you're confident in your choice but scared to take this
last step of your high school career and the first steps of your college life.
Allow me to try and ease your worries. I truly believe every student ends up in the
right place for them. Selfishly, I think the best place for any student is TCU. I
know it's been the most incredible home I could ask for these past three years. And
like you, I wondered if that would be the case all summer before I came to campus.
But my first fall semester swept me off my feet. I met my best friends, landed on-campus
job opportunities, enjoyed a winning football season, and fell in love with being
a Horned Frog.
It was a slow burn. As I mentioned earlier, I applied to TCU at my mom's request and
didn't deeply consider it as a plausible option. I didn't dislike TCU, I was just
desperate to get out of Texas. I had an itch to try something new, to see a new place
and encounter new people. After touring several schools and researching English major
programs, I realized that TCU might not be such a bad choice after all. It had the small classes, the beautiful campus, the competitive athletics, and the talented faculty I knew I wanted. The other perk? I didn't know anyone else
going, nor did I know a thing about Fort Worth. Talk about the fresh start I'd been dreaming of. Come May 1, I took a leap and deposited
at TCU.
Best decision I ever made.
And I'm not alone. Every Horned Frog has our reasons, our stories, for how we ended
up here and why we stay. Soon enough, you'll have yours too. But for now, check out
some of our "Why TCUs" and don't forget to submit your TCU deposit by May 1 at 5:00
pm CDT!
Why TCU?
"I chose TCU because I wanted a new experience. I'm from the northeast and I think
this is definitely a much different atmosphere. I just kind of wanted something new.
I feel like I've been sheltered my whole life - I kind of live in a bubble - and I
think that TCU had the best combination of a little bit of a culture shock if you're
not from around here but not too much to the point where you feel like you're out
of place. I think that perfect balance was why I chose TCU." - Wilson, TCU Class of 2027
"I chose TCU mainly because of my major. I'm a Child Development major which is a pretty rare major across the nation. I'm also from here, I'm from
Dallas, so TCU has a really great reputation in the DFW area. So TCU was just the
obvious fit for me." - Amanda, TCU Class of 2025
"I chose TCU because of their Nursing program. TCU has a four-year BSN program which other colleges do not have and that
was something that I was looking for. I would also say that the nursing program is
very strong, and last year they actually had a 100% passing rate for the NCLEX!" - Dulce, TCU Class of 2026
"TCU is full of people who just want to be your friend. All of the new students are
coming in the same, wanting to make connections with other people and wanting to make
friendships. There are lots of opportunities to make friends at TCU. It's intentional
and it's built in, whether you're living in the residence halls or not, there are so many ways to get connected with other people." - Elizabeth Rainwater, Director of Admission Marketing, TCU Class of 2000
"I chose TCU because I really liked the excitement and the fun and the feel of a big
school, but when I started looking at larger institutions and understood what the
academic experience was like - large classroom settings and lecture halls where you
don't necessarily have a relationship with your professor, or you don't necessarily
know everyone in the classroom - I didn't think that was gonna be the best fit for
me. So I appreciated that TCU had small class sizes, and you really get the best of
both worlds here. You get the excitement of the large school but you also have the
academic focus of a smaller liberal arts institution which was perfect for me." - Larissa Marple, Assistant Director of Admission Programs, TCU Class of 2015
"I'm originally from central Texas, a little bit closer to San Antonio. I thought
it was a good distance from home. I wanted to be able to try something new and be
in a new city and I felt like Fort Worth was an amazing city. But I came to TCU for journalism. I felt so good about the professors, the faculty, and everything in terms of the
reputation of the College of Communication. Being in a metroplex that provides such great opportunities was amazing as well,
but ultimately I think at the end of the day it also just comes down to fit. When
I toured TCU and got a chance to be here before I enrolled, I just really felt like
it was home. I felt like it was beautiful. I felt like people were so kind to me,
and I just knew that it was a place that I wanted to kind of feed off that energy
and be around it and be like the folks who were already at TCU." - Cole Polley, Senior Admission Counselor, TCU Class of 2019
"I came into TCU with a very specific major and I wanted to find a school where I
could pursue that major and have a really high level of academic quality in my classes
but also pursue really fun social activities like going to game day and joining Greek life and really having that well-rounded experience. So for me, TCU checked every single
box I was looking for in addition to what they could offer for my major." - Hannah Wright, Assistant Director of Admission - First Year, TCU Class of 2017
Colleen Wyrick is a junior double major in English and Communication Studies from Austin, TX. She is currently the President of Her Campus at TCU, Assistant Digital Editor for the digital anthology Teaching Transatlanticism, and a social media intern and ambassador for the Office of Admission. Additionally,
she’s loved getting involved on campus through the women’s club soccer team.