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Two TCU students in Rome

Facebook Live Q&A Explores TCU's Comprehensive Approach to Global Citizenship

Dean Einstein hosted a Facebook Live Q&A, answering your questions about how TCU prepares students for global citizenship through on-campus and study abroad opportunities. Watch the video and read below to find the answers to your questions.

TCU Nursing Students walking outside
Ask the Dean / Faculty Feature / Admissions - Blog

Harris College Q&A

Posted on Feb. 17, 2023, by tcuadmission

Dean Einstein and Christopher Watts, Dean of the Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences, discussed opportunities for students interested in healthcare majors in a Facebook Live Q&A.

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TCU students enjoying class outside
Admissions - Blog / Ask the Dean / Faculty Feature

Core Curriculum Q&A

Posted on Dec. 08, 2022, by tcuadmission

Dean Einstein and Dr. Theresa Gaul discussed TCU's core curriculum and classes that prepare students for lifelong success, answering your questions in a Facebook Live session.

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Family Weekend-Small
Ask the Counselors / Apply / Ask the Dean / Admissions - Blog

Application Tips and Tricks: October Q&A

Posted on Oct. 14, 2022, by tcuadmission

Dean Einstein and Dalton Goodier, Assistant Director of Admission – First-year, discussed application tips and answered hundreds of questions in a Facebook Live session.

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