Horned Frog Blog

Facebook Live Q&A Explores TCU's Comprehensive Approach to Global Citizenship
Dean Einstein hosted a Facebook Live Q&A, answering your questions about how TCU prepares students for global citizenship through on-campus and study abroad opportunities. Watch the video and read below to find the answers to your questions.

First-Year Housing Q&A
Dean Einstein and Imani Wimberly, Assistant Director of Housing & Residence Life, answered questions about the housing application, move-in and roommate selection. Watch the entire video and check out tips about how to make the most of living on campus.

First Year Experience Q&A
Dean Einstein and Dr. Erin Wilson, Senior Director of First Year Experience, answered questions about TCU's legendary new student programs in a live chat. Watch the entire video and check out tips about how to make the most of your first moments on campus.

Connecting with the Admission Office Q&A
Dean Einstein answered questions about connecting with our admission office in a live chat. Watch the entire video and check out tips on how much you should connect with your counselor, the best way to ask your questions and what demonstrated interest really means at TCU.