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TCU Christmas Tree lit up in front of the BLUU archway

One of my favorite traditions at TCU is the TCU Christmas tree lighting. If you have ever heard about the tree lighting here at TCU, then you know it is a BIG spectacle. I remember my freshman year at TCU thinking “how big of a deal could this actually be?” I quickly learned the next day while I watched from the front steps of my dorm, the largest Christmas tree I had ever seen, be brought into the campus commons via crane. Seeing the tree flooded me with excitement for what the event could be.

Each year the TCU tree lighting brings me more and more joy. Not only do you get to see one of the most beautiful displays of Christmas spirit (I’m talking Rockefeller beautiful), but you also get to experience the joy the season brings the community and participate in fun activities with friends. At the tree lighting, you can drink hot chocolate, see live reindeer and elves, and even get to meet SuperFrog Santa. How cool is that? You also get to hear the blissful tunes of Christmas cheer from choirs and bands. TCU always brings a terrific musical group to campus to perform at the event. Let me tell you, there is nothing quite like jamming to Christmas music with your fellow Horned Frogs.

TCU students with SuperFrog santa at the tree lighting

Once you are warm and full of hot chocolate, cookies, and the Christmas glee, you get to gather around the giant tree to see a spectacular demonstration of TCU sprit with bright and dazzling fireworks in typical TCU fashion. Watching the fireworks every year lights up my heart and my face. With all the busyness of the semester winding down, the fireworks bring a sense of calmness and peace to me. Just when you think the display can't be any more exquisite, you are surrounded by snow (fake, of course because this is Texas) and laughter. I remember laughing so hard when I first saw the fake snow that I accidentally got some in my mouth!

As a senior, I am more than ever excited to go to the tree lighting this year. It is sad that it will be my last time getting to experience it as a student, but I am more than excited to get to come back and join the Horned Frog Family to enjoy the tree lighting as a proud alum!


Anna Breck is a senior actuarial sciences major and economics minor from St. Louis, MO.  

        Girls waiting for SuperFrog Santa at the TCU tree lighting      students at tree lighting