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If you're applying to TCU and wonder what “Freedom of Expression” (FOE) means on your application checklist, we're here to offer some insight. First and foremost, this is a completely optional (and we do mean optional; less than 7% of applicants will submit an FOE) part of your application. It is designed to give students the opportunity to fully express themselves while applying to TCU.
What is an FOE, anyway?
It's essentially another way to show us your personality through a piece of writing, photography, video, art or anything you create. We've received many physical FOEs in the past, and while we treasure these and have kept many in our offices over the years, it's a bit easier to send us a link or upload a photo through your application.

Do I have to submit one?
Absolutely not — in fact, only about 6 percent of applicants and 7 percent of admitted students submit an FOE. That means there are a whole lot of people who are admitted without submitting this optional piece of the application. On the other hand, submitting an FOE won't guarantee your chances of admission either. We're looking for applicants with strong academic records and involvement in their school and community, so think of an FOE as a supplement to your application.

What should I submit if I do choose this option?
To help us get to know you even better, consider this opportunity to further express yourself. The only limitations are the boundaries of your imagination. As you can see in the video, we've received a wide array of physical FOEs but we mainly prefer to receive these digitally now. You can submit an essay, poem, work of art or a URL that showcases another side of you.