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We're welcoming our newest Horned Frogs to campus this summer and we know many students and their families wonder what they can expect at orientation sessions. Watch the video from our student orientation leaders and check out more tips below, including those for incoming transfer students.

Orientation is required for all new Horned Frogs.
At orientation, incoming transfer and first-year students register for classes, learn about campus resources, TCU and our academics. Most importantly, they make connections with students, faculty and staff. Student orientation leaders are really there to help you start your journey at TCU, so make sure to ask questions while you're at your session.

Transfer students attend one-day orientation sessions.
Orientation is required for transfer students too and they attend a one-day session. We welcome all students to bring up to two guests and we have some programming designed specifically for family members.

First-year students will stay overnight at a residence hall.
Orientation is a two-day session for first-year students, which means you'll stay overnight in a residence hall. You will share a room with one other student, selected at random. For 2023, first-year students will stay in Colby Hall, which has community bathrooms on each floor. Students are encouraged to bring up to two guests and again, we have some sessions geared specifically towards family members to help support your TCU student. Families are welcome to stay on campus in one of our residence halls or at a local hotel.

Complete these steps before orientation!
Remember to complete your pre-orientation modules, take care of your health center hold and download the Guidebook app to view the orientation schedule. Find more information about Orientation via Student Success and  TCU Stories.

We can't wait to welcome you to campus!