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Fernando Mateu Hernandez

Name: Fernando Mateu Hernandez

Year: Junior

Hometown: El Salvador

Major: Supply Chain Management and Marketing

How did you discover TCU?

Since the very start of freshmen year many people kept on asking my how did I hear about TCU and why did I come to TCU if I lived so far away? Well, to begin I went to an American school back home. All of my classes were in English; it was basically an American private school in El Salvador and most of my teachers were even from the U.S. So, by going to an American school it became easier for me to learn English and get the hang of the system. Also, universities throughout the school year attend the campus to demonstrate what each university offers. Besides attending every campus visit TCU made I also knew about TCU because my older brother is a TCU Alumni. By hearing all his stories at TCU and how amazing it was, and hearing my parents speak about the beautiful campus all day, I became a fan as well. So after my brother came here I came to visit several times and got the hang of how the campus, and how the community around campus is.

What made you choose TCU?

Even though I visited many times and my parents speaking all day about TCU campus there are other reasons why I chose TCU. Besides having an amazing business school, TCU feels like home. Coming from a foreign country and adapting to so many changes isn’t easy, but the people from TCU made me feel like home. That was so different than many other universities, how the campus is not too small but no too big, its perfect size. Also how there are many opportunities to get social and join the community. At TCU there is a great group of Latinos who are like a family, so I decided to come here because I could meet new people apart from hanging out with Latinos and have a great education.

What is one thing you would like to tell a prospective student?

If I would recommend something to a future TCU student, it will be something like this, appreciate every moment you can to interact and meet new people because now 4 years may seem like a lot, but time goes faster that you expect. TCU gives a lot of opportunities to get involved, to make memories, and to be successful. Take those opportunities, use all the resources TCU provides, and don’t be afraid to ask or take risks.