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Nicole Sinclair helps recruit and welcome international students to TCU through her role in the Office of Admission. When she decided to go back to school to complete her own bachelor's degree, she realized that she had different experiences than her peers. Fueled by her own challenges as a student and full-time employee with a family, Sinclair founded Bachelor's Degrees for TCU Employees in May 2022. 

The group aims to encourage TCU employees to apply for and complete bachelor's degrees. Members participate in monthly meetings to talk through common struggles, share resources and offer encouragement for employees to earn their bachelor's degrees.

For many employees, the application process looks different than it would for a typical transfer student. Staff may be several years removed from their last college courses and some need to attend a community college first to earn enough credits to transfer to TCU. The group has worked with the Office of Admission transfer team to offer guidance to TCU employees.

"The most significant outcome from this group is seeing my fellow colleagues apply and get admitted," Sinclair said. "When you see more people and know more people like you on campus, it's more encouraging to continue the journey."

Delia Coronado, Coordinator of Operations for the BNSF Career Center, started classes at TCU in the spring of 2020. She wanted to earn her degree to grow professionally, but faced the challenges of going back to school, working and raising her son during a global pandemic. She said the group helps her stay on track and achieve her goals.

"It's wonderful because it's an outlet to be heard by your peers," Coronado said. "It's very therapeutic to talk through similar issues. We leave saying 'we can do this; we’re not alone.'" 

Beyond helping encourage TCU staff to earn their degrees, Sinclair plans to collaborate with non-traditional student groups and offer more resources on advising and student services. She said she hopes to inspire more employees to take the first step toward earning their degrees. 

"My biggest regret is waiting so long to apply," Sinclair said. "I wasted three years doubting. If you're thinking about finishing your degree — do it."