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The month of February is all about love. It's a time for us to appreciate the meaningful relationships in our lives and celebrate the love we share for our friends, families, and significant others. So I figured, why not extend this love to TCU?

I love my classes and have enjoyed all the academic opportunities I've been granted because of TCU. Because of the university's support and encouragement, I can pursue multiple majors and a minor while completing the honors curriculum. It sounds daunting, but truthfully, it's been incredibly fun and rewarding to study in several areas I'm passionate about without sacrificing an interest for the sake of time.

I also love how TCU has pushed me to get involved and make friends. From joining the Women's Club Soccer team to working for the Office of Admission to becoming the president of a writing organization here, there is no shortage of experiences that have not only granted me some of the closest relationships in my life but also prepared me for the world beyond TCU.


TCU Soccer Team - Groups Picture


Being a student at TCU is a significant commitment of your time and energy, just like any relationship. In the absolute best way, we share so many meaningful memories with this place, and in return, TCU loves us back. This college gifts us amazing friends, academics, social events, and career opportunities. But don't just take it from me. To celebrate Valentine's Day this year, I asked current students and admission counselors what they love most about TCU...

"I love the small school benefits like small classes, knowing professors, and seeing people on campus but with a big school feel with our sports and career resources." - Hannah Scanlon, Junior Nursing Major

"I love the access to scholarships and the amount of diversity on campus. I love the community, the constant engagement, and everyone's willingness to find and participate in leadership. Organizations seek you instead of you seeking them. Professor support is also huge for me." - Hailey Williams, Junior Biology Major, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Studies Minor on the Pre-Med track.

I cherish TCU as my southern home. I found lifelong friends who feel like family now, and I love attending fun classes with them.” - Raia Raiyyani, Sophomore Business Information Systems Major

"The culture of excellence, truly positive atmosphere and beautiful campus make you want to invest further in yourself and be the best version of you. Plus, purple is an awesome color." - Cole Polley, Admission Counselor

"What I love about TCU is the sense of community and camaraderie that everyone has here. Everywhere you go on campus, people are always smiling and genuinely enjoy being here and working together as a team. There is a genuine sense of warmth and kindness here on campus." - Sophie Deutsch, Director of Admission Programs

"The people at TCU make it a great place to learn, study, live, work and play.  Having experienced TCU as an employee and student, I have enjoyed and benefited from the commitment and care provided by many of our faculty and staff members from several areas across campus.  People here truly care about helping students become the best version of themselves.  When someone becomes part of the TCU community, they are a member of the Horned Frog Family!  I hope when people visit Texas Christian University they experience the warmth, level of care and commitment I have come to expect, know and love." - Michael Leshner, Senior Transfer Admission Counselor

Wondering what else there is to love about TCU? See for yourself by coming to visit campus or exploring what we have to offer online. 

Colleen Wyrick is a junior double major in English and Communication Studies from Austin, TX. She is currently the President of Her Campus at TCU, Assistant Digital Editor for the digital anthology Teaching Transatlanticism, and a social media intern and ambassador for the Office of Admission. Additionally, she’s loved getting involved on campus through the women’s club soccer team.